How to Take Care of Your Hot Tub

by Jason
(North Carolina)

Maintaining your hot tub is similar to maintaining your swimming pool, in fact some of the same techniques are used.

Here useful tips you can follow to keep your hot tub looking and running like new.

Steps for Cleaning Your hot Tub Shell:

Cleaning your hot tub shell is the first step in keeping it looking new. You want to make sure to use a mild cleaner that is non-abrasive and non-sudsing. You can use either a soft rag or nylon scrubber to apply the cleaner while gently scrubbing the shell. Once you have finished cleaning and drying your hot tub shell it is suggested that you apply a product like Spa Shine to help protect, seal and restore the shine to the shell.

This would not apply and should not be done to inflatable hot tubs.

To clean your hot tub pillows simply follow the direction provided in your hot tub owner's guide. As far as your vinyl cover is concerned, the easiest method of cleaning it is to remove it and first gently spray it down with a garden hose to remove any dirt or debris. You can now use a mild soap solution and a sponge (using a circular motion) to finish cleaning the cover. You need to make sure that you also spray down the underside of your cover but do not use soap. To keep you cover looking like new you should also apply a cover shield product.

How To Clean Your Hot Tub Filter:

The cartridges in your hot tub filter can become clogged with mineral particles and prevent the filter from working properly. To clean them you need to spray each cartridge with a garden hose while rotating the filter to remove any debris that may be caught between the filter pleats. The next step is to soak your filter in a special cleaner that is made for hot tub filters. You need to make sure to do this about once a month.

How to Clean Out Soap Film and Detergent Residue:

Soap film from your body and detergent residue from your bathing suit can accumulate in your hot tub or spa water. To remove this you simply need to periodically drain the water from your hot tub and refill it according to your hot tub owner's manual.

Overwintering Your Hot Tub or Spa:

If you live in an area that experiences freezing temperatures then it is suggested that you purchase a winter blanket. The winter blanket goes inside your equipment compartment and helps to keep important components from freezing.

Additionally you need to ensure that your hot tub cover is fitted properly and the seal is tight, so that heat can not escape. Any snow should be removed from your cover before it builds up too much. To remove ice build up from around your hot tub cover locks, simply pour hot water over them. You should never attempt to pry off the ice from the locks.

Utilizing these tips will keep your hot tub running and looking like new for many years.

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