Heavenly Hexagonal Haven

by Adam

Pergola Paradise!

Pergola Paradise!

Our pitched-roof hexagonal pergola design is more of an arbour that takes advantage of the setting sun at the bottom of our garden and nicely nestles under the branches of an ash tree. We planted two clematis that have obligingly flowered quickly and added a small solar fountain nearby. It is the perfect place for a tranquil supper on a summer evening.

The design for our new garden called for a hexagonal pergola. I jumped at the chance to build it myself and quickly discovered pergolaplans4free. It is very loosely based on the hexagonal pitched pergola plan. I modified it so that it includes two half-sides to provide a wider outlook across our garden as well as adding a dado rail and a kingpost roof design. I am not keen on rafter braces which I think detract from the aesthetics and might knock the odd head! Instead, I decided to brace within each side panel above the dado rail with an equilateral triangle that nicely reflects the hexagonal design, function and form! It is a as solid as a rock.

I constructed the pergola out of 75 x 75mm fence posts, 50 x 100 mm tanalised timbers and 25 x 50mm rafter battens for the triangular braces. A neighbour kindly lent me his mitre saw which was invaluable as few of the cuts are at right angles. I used bolt-on shoes to secure the vertical posts to the ground and put a shim at in the bottom of each to keep the post ends slightly off the ground to help avoid rot; I am not a fan of concreting in posts that are likely to rot after time.

The two half-sides meant that figuring out the shape of the centre kingpost profile is not hexagonal and required some head scratching! In the end I fashioned it out to two of the 50 x 100m timbers glued and screwed together. The acorn finial is one made for stair banisters!

As I used both sawn and smooth cut timbers, I had to hunt around for paint that could be used on both and discovered Ronseal Fence Life Plus which did the trick.

All that remains is to finish off the soft landscaping, but that has not stopped us enjoying quiet evening summer suppers by our babbling fountain at sunset!

Comments for Heavenly Hexagonal Haven

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Wow. An Incredible Pitched Roof Hexagonal Pergola!
by: Di

Adam, it's a masterpiece! The fact that you can enjoy sitting under your pergola listening to the beautiful sound of the water makes all the 'creating' worthwhile. I love it.

Finials are a real opportunity for creativity. Like yours they can be made from all manner of things!

I love how many are adapting the plans to put their own unique twist on them. Your pergola is a fantastic example of the ways the pitched roof hexagonal pergola can take on a completely different look...and purpose, too. As you say, it is definitely a seated arbour style pergola. So fulfilling to have thought these things through and made such an interesting structure!

The adaptations can sometimes test the grey matter to it's limits, especially, as you say, when the kingpin needed to be adjusted, but when it's done, there is an even greater sense of satisfaction.

It's amazing to see you sitting on top of it. These structures, if built with care, can be very strong and last for many years.

Thank you so much for sending your photos through, Adam. They will provide so much inspiration for others who visit my website.

Well done!

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"The plans were great, very concise, easy to follow and I couldn't have managed without them!" T.

“Well done for a really useful site!” Mike.

Love the templates for the Rafter Tails! Using Design #5. Thanks so much." Laura.

"I love your website! Your entire site is incredible. I was able to get ideas for my pergola, which looks fantastic." Wayne.

Great service. Now all I have to do is build it! Martin.

"Your plans look amazingly comprehensive. I see you are intending putting the plans for the corner pergola on this fabulous site. Could you please tell me when the corner pergola plans will be available to purchase...yours is the nicest design I have seen!" Michelle.

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