
Copyright image: Pergola climbing plants: a beautiful pink climbing rose growing over a pergola trellis.

It would be great to receive your feedback, not only on the plans, but on other aspects of the website, too.

This website was created because I felt that there were so many people out there capable of creating the most wonderful structures, bringing pleasure and beauty into their lives. I hope this has been the case - with a little help and encouragement!

And just look what they did...         

John's Lean-to Pergola

Ray's Corner Pergola

Kevin's Seated Arbour

Jocelyn's Pergola With Deck


Creating plans that others can understand can be a challenge in itself, and it is only through people using the plans that their effectiveness can be measured. That is why it would be so good to hear from you.

There may be other comments that you'd like to make about the website content, in terms of other information that might be helpful to you. Most of all, I would like to develop the website with your interests and information needs at heart.

Thank you for your time.

Just fill out as much, or as little, of the forms below as you wish.

You might write about:

  • The plans
  • Your experience
  • Funny stories
  • Hints and tips
  • Costings
  • The website content  

Feedback Directly To Me

Just fill in the form below to send simple feedback - comments with no pictures.  See what others have said here.  

I often put your comments on my website, and really appreciate your wonderful feedback.  Thank you!

If, however,you'd like to send pictures, there are two ways to do this:

  1. Directly to me, with or without written feedback. 
  2. Through the website.  See how to do this here for an even easier way to add feedback and pictures on your pergola build.

To do it the first way, simply copy and paste this sentence (first part of the sentence if you'd like to send pictures only) into the comments section of the form below.                                                                                                        

  "I'd like to send you pictures of my pergola, Di, and tell you about it"          

  • I will reply to you
  • You reply to that same email attaching the pictures and/or written feedback

When taking pictures, it helps to save time photo editing and makes your pergola look so much more attractive if you can possibly:

  • Take your picture when there is some sunlight.
  • Move washing lines, bins, work rubble, etc.
  • Arrange the area to make it look as attractive as possible.

There are so many great ways I can use:

  • Your feedback
  • Stories about your pergola
  • Pictures (especially pictures!)

I do this through my ezine newsletter, on the website itself, on my blog and on the pergolaplans4free Facebook page.


Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

Please enter the word that you see below.


Pergola Build Feedback

This is a very easy way to add your pergola feedback, or story, to the website, with your pictures. 

Just type a title and away you go.

Write about anything you like, to do with your pergola build! I will always find it fascinatingly interesting!

Here goes...

Your Pergola Story

Write it here!

It's great to tell others of our achievements; the pride we feel, and how it has made a difference to our lives.

Be an inspiration to others who are thinking of building their own pergola.

Help them to have the confidence to take the bull by the horns and give it a try. It's often all that is needed to inspire someone. After all, you have been there and done it.

Tell your story. We would all love to hear it!

[ ? ]

Upload up to 4 pictures of your pergola[ ? ]


Click here to upload more images (optional)

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To receive credit as the author, enter your information below.

(first or full name)

(e.g., City, State, Country)

Submit Your Contribution

  •  submission guidelines.

(You can preview and edit on the next page)

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  1. Click on the HTML link code below.
  2. Copy and paste it, adding a note of your own, into your blog, a Web page, forums, a blog comment, your Facebook account, or anywhere that someone would find this page valuable.

 Advertising Links

This page may contain advertising links earning a small commission, at no extra cost to you. It is my hope these links will help you to make informed and creative choices.   

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"The plans were great, very concise, easy to follow and I couldn't have managed without them!" T.

“Well done for a really useful site!” Mike.

Love the templates for the Rafter Tails! Using Design #5. Thanks so much." Laura.

"I love your website! Your entire site is incredible. I was able to get ideas for my pergola, which looks fantastic." Wayne.

Great service. Now all I have to do is build it! Martin.

"Your plans look amazingly comprehensive. I see you are intending putting the plans for the corner pergola on this fabulous site. Could you please tell me when the corner pergola plans will be available to purchase...yours is the nicest design I have seen!" Michelle.

Plants and Seed Offers

Pergola Kit and Accessories Offers - Click Here

Sales & Offers

Beautiful 'Gainsborough' gazebo

Save £204!

Rattan furniture sale 8 seater.

See my 'Fantastic Offers' page for more bargains on pergola kits, tools and all things gardening!