Capturing the Sun!

by Ray Jackson
(Nuneaton, Warks)

Corner Pergola With Deck

Corner Pergola With Deck

I am a bit of a DIYer and like to turn my hand to things so when the pergola idea took hold I needed to find a starting point - and hey presto - 'Pergola Plans 4 free'.

Whilst there were plans for rectangular pergolas on the site for free, I needed one to fit into a corner and Di came to the rescue.

Whilst the plans for her corner pergola were not exactly what I needed (mine needed to be 3-sided rather than 5-sided to fit around the deck) Di and I exchanged several emails and with her experience and expertise, she modified her plans to suit my needs - all I had to do was build it!

It is fair to say that the most difficult part was the metposts! They do not like stony ground so of the 5 only 1 went in as expected - so be ready to take them out, cut some of the spike off and resort to plan B - concreting them in!

The rest, as long as you follow the plans is straight forward - measuring, cutting and building - you do need someone to help to hold things from time to time and the Black and Decker Workbench, reciprocating saw (second hand off eBay) and cordless drill/driver are vital in my view. I got all the wood off the internet (delivered) and sold the 'scrap' on eBay at the end.

What more can I say - just follow the instructions and use Di's experience if you get stuck - she returns your emails within 24 hours.

Comments for Capturing the Sun!

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Patio Website
by: richard

Would love to link to great blog so my website visitors can enjoy it too. My site is a patio ideas site with links to relevant sites.

A Corner Pergola With A Difference
by: Di

What a fabulous corner pergola Ray! You've done really well. I bet you're very proud of your new creation. It shows how the plans can be effectively adapted to fit any situation. The deeper stain gives you pergola a rich feel and a great finish.

Metposts can be tricky. Another option is to use Concrete-In Metposts so the holes can be dug out more easily.

Thank you for sharing your story with us, and I hope you enjoy many hours soaking up the sun!

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"The plans were great, very concise, easy to follow and I couldn't have managed without them!" T.

“Well done for a really useful site!” Mike.

Love the templates for the Rafter Tails! Using Design #5. Thanks so much." Laura.

"I love your website! Your entire site is incredible. I was able to get ideas for my pergola, which looks fantastic." Wayne.

Great service. Now all I have to do is build it! Martin.

"Your plans look amazingly comprehensive. I see you are intending putting the plans for the corner pergola on this fabulous site. Could you please tell me when the corner pergola plans will be available to purchase...yours is the nicest design I have seen!" Michelle.

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